Writing task1 이메일 쓰기: 필수 접속사/부사 정리 + 셀핍 연습문제


아이엘츠(GT)/ 셀핍(G) Writing task1에는 공통적으로 이메일 쓰기가 있다. 어떤 상황이 주어지면 그에 따라 항의/제안/광고/감사표시 등의 메일을 써야하는데, 글자수가 150-200자 내로 제한되므로 최대한 간략하되 핵심을 담아 적어야 한다. 때때로 짧은 글을 쓰는 것이 task2의 긴 글을 쓰는 것보다 어려울 때가 있다. 너무 짧은 글에 필요한 내용을 다 담는게 쉽지가 않아서. 그 때 필요한 게 바로 적당한 접속사와 부사의 사용! 접속사만 적재적소에 넣어줘도 글이 훨씬 부드러워진다. 나에게 익숙한 접속사와 부사만 몇개 외워서 계속 써먹어야지... ㅎㅎㅎㅎ


 그리고 셀핍 공식홈페이지에서 무료로 제공하는 연습문제도 하나! 부끄럽지만 연습도 할 겸, 나의 답안도 올려본다.. ㅋㅋㅋ 부디 누군가에게 도움이 되기를,,,


비록 S V 할 지라도, S V 하다.

Although S V, S V.

Even though S V, S V.

Despite the fact that S V, S V.

While S V, S V.


ex.  Although I worked double tides, I didn't get paid enough. 

(+) work double tides(=work day and night) 두배로 일하다(밤낮으로 일하다)


그럼에도 불구하고,


Despite N, 

In spite of N,


ex. Despite great success, there is a small problem. 


그러므로/ 즉/ 결국

The bottom line is ~





ex. Thus, it is crucial to know the language.


뿐만 아니라/ 게다가




In addition to N,



Apart from that,


ex. Moreover, you don't need to feed them often. 


우선, 무엇보다도

Above all things,

First of all,

At first,

Before everything else,

First and foremost,


ex. First and foremost, it is a food security issue. 


끝으로, 결국

Last but not least,


In conclusion,

To conclude,

After all,


ex. Lastbutnotleast, bike-riding is good for your health. 


반대로/ 역으로

On the contrary,

In contrast with N,



ex. Conversely, certain policies can have an impact on housing.




<셀핍 연습문제>


You and your family visit the local shopping mall every week. However, it has become more and more difficult to find a parking spot recently. You would like to let the shopping mall manager know about this problem.


Write an email to the mall manager in about 150-200 words. Your email should do the following things:

  • Describe the problem you are having with the mall’s parking.
  • Explain what you and your family have to do in order to visit the shopping mall now.
  • Provide some suggestions for how the mall manager can solve this problem.

 To whom it may concern,


I am writing this email to share my inconvenience at your shopping center. Since I moved to this town, my family and I have visited the mall for almost 7 years. Although I enjoyed to go to the mall for shopping and having a meal for a long time, I mind going there recently.

Last Sunday, I brought my family to the mall so that we can have brunch together. We arrived at the parking area in front of the building before 10:30 a.m., but I couldn’t find even one spot to park my car.

To be honest, it wasn’t the first time I had a problem with parking. I guess it’s been a while, at least 2 months now. I thought there was an event in the mall and that’s why the car park was already full. However, when we entered the mall, the lounge was empty and only a few visitors were there. 

I believe this situation happened because of tourists came from other cities. What I saw last Sunday was that many people looked like tourists just parked their cars and left somewhere else but the mall.

I respect you have a policy providing free parking space for everyone. Nevertheless, I believe that this policy needs to be revised for the local customers otherwise you will lose your old customers like me.

I look forward to hearing from you about this problem.








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